Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, March 23, 2024
Pray at Home, Domestic Church, Making Cenacles of Prayer and Not of Vain Murmuring
Message of the Little Shepherds of Fatima Jacinta and Francisco to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy on January 23, 2024

Chosen souls of the Little Flock, follow Jesus and Mary.
Pray and free yourselves from old grudges, disagreements and resentments. Abandon envy, jealousy, anger, vanity, lust for success, attachment to money and matter.
This world lies under the power of the Evil One, and few follow Us faithfully and with commitment.
Pray the ROSARY every day for Peace in the whole world.
The ROSARY prayed as a family can do everything. It converts, heals, liberates, purifies, uplifts, comforts, restores, regenerates.
The ROSARY is salvation for all, pray it in the family.
The world is corrupt and deviated, and follows the Evil One.
Remember the Message of FATIMA: prayer, sacrifice, conversion, reparation, ROSARY, consecration to MARY, fasting, renunciation of the pagan world.
It is necessary to rise up, purify oneself, believe in We of Heaven.
Brothers in Christ-God, listen to Us: the Secret of Fatima will be fulfilled.
The True Church will be persecuted, insulted, mocked, offended.
The True Church will suffer much for We of Heaven. It will be persecuted. Fatima is not understood. It continues in Brindisi, with the manifestation of the Divine Kingdom.
Believe in Brindisi, love Brindisi. Accept that it is the Apparition of apparitions, hated by Lucifer and his servants and worshippers.
Consoling souls, console Jesus and Mary, in sorrow for this apostate, corrupt humanity, rebellious to God the Divine Trinity.
The Vatican is corrupt and from there new and old heresies depart.
Make amends, repair and spread this Last Appeal, this Last Great Heavenly Revelation on Earth.
Pray, fast, repair the outrages and offenses directed at God, at His Royal Dignity.
Ministerial sons must believe and pray, save souls; and not confuse them, divert them and lead them to sin. Ministerial sons repent from unrighteous ways, return to God repentant and penitent.
Fatima is fundamental to understand.
Pray to us and you will have peace and joy of heart.
Most Holy Mary with St. John represents the True Church of God in the Last Times.
The Immaculate Triumph will be there, the Sun of Fatima will shine in the world. The devil will be vanquished with his servants.
The Tears of Mary will destroy the power of Freemasonry.
Penitent and contrite souls will be saved from the imposture and deception of the Enemy.
You follow Fatima who continues now Brindisi. Pray, fast, repent in time, for time is getting short, very short. Cling to the ROSARY and you will be saved.
Pray at home, domestic church, making Cenacles of prayer and not of vain murmuring.
We are with the Little Remnant, True Remnant Church of the Last Times.
Do not follow and believe in false pastors and false ministers, persecutors of Heaven and the Instruments. Do not listen to them.
Listen to Brindisi, the Virgin of Reconciliation, believing in the Apparition and driving away the demons of doubt and satanic confusion.
Brindisi continues Fatima and is the Last of the Great Marian Revelations on Earth, the last Appeal for conversion.
Do not wander, do not scatter, do not defy.
Believe in the Messages, the Signs and grow in grace and divine wisdom.
Let every tree that bears no fruit be cut down.
Do not give pearls to swine, the children of darkness must be driven away.
Do not defend the false church of Satan or its ministers.
Believe in the SKY, OBEY TO THE SKY.
We bless the Little Remnant, our devotees, the disseminators of the Messages and this Heavenly Work, despised by the Great Ones of the Father's House and the servants of the Beast, persecutors and our slanderers, iniquitous, evildoers, liars.
Shalom, beloved Our brethren of the True Remnant Church of the Last Times.
Treasure these Messages, meditate on them, you will find answers and holy counsel. SHALOM, SHALOM, SHALOM.